1) How can I download the ST. GIRI SCHOOL app ?
Ans. For Android Mobile Users: click on the Download App button below and install the app.
2) What is my login ID & Password ?
Ans. Your Login ID & Password will be provided by the class teacher.
4) What is my Registered Mobile Number ?
Ans. The contact numbers which you have provided to the school.
5) Can I change my password after the first login ?
Ans. You can change your password from the profile section.
6) How can i Reset my Password
Ans. If you forget your password and you want to reset the password then you need to contact the school office.
6) How to login or access SGS App student portal from Laptop or Desktop ?
Ans. Step-1 Browse for the school website
Step-3 Click on the “User Login” button on the right- hand top corner.
Step-4 Enter your user name which is provided by the school.
Step-5 Enter your App Password and click on the ‘Login’ tab.